Finding the Perfect Location for My Car: The Key to Soaring Rental Demand!

Ever wondered how to maximize your earnings? Making your car available at a train station or airport could be the winning solution for you!

Offering your car at a train station or airport means:

Increased Rental Requests:

Offering the delivery of your vehicle to a train station or airport significantly expands your potential clientele. Frequent travelers, tourists, and business travelers are searching for convenient and economical ways to get around when they arrive in a new city. By offering your vehicle directly at the airport or train station, you position yourself to attract these clients in search of convenience and speed.

You're in Control of Your Pricing Strategy:

By offering your car at a train station or airport, you have the flexibility to adjust your delivery fee to reflect the added value you provide. This fee will be added to the set rental price of your vehicle. Renters are often willing to pay a little extra for a ready-to-use vehicle right where they need it, without having to search for a remote rental center. This means you can maximize your earnings per rental. However, be cautious not to set a price too high compared to traditional competition, or your vehicle may not be attractive enough.

On the flip side, offering delivery for free can be an excellent strategy to strongly differentiate yourself from competitors and ensure renter loyalty.

Additional Tip: Exploit time slots not covered by traditional rental companies! Travelers arriving late at night, early in the morning, or during holidays can become a valuable source of requests. By offering flexible time slots outside regular opening hours, you gain a significant competitive advantage.

Extended Rental Periods:

By making your vehicle available at train stations and/or airports, you capture the interest of travelers looking for cars for their vacations, whether it's for stays of several days to several weeks. This presents the advantage of generating more substantial income while lightening the operational burden that can result from delivering your vehicle. In other words, it's an opportunity to make your vehicle profitable over longer periods while simplifying the logistics related to renting it out.

More Anticipated Bookings:

Our studies reveal that, on average, travelers renting a vehicle after a train or plane journey in France book their vehicle well in advance of their departure. This foresight ensures you a stable income source because you are aware in advance of upcoming bookings.

Moreover, early bookings simplify vehicle preparation, maintenance, and operational planning, ensuring the delivery of a quality service. Finally, this proactive approach allows you to organize in advance and avoid last-minute rentals.

Discover how Jusuf, owner of a car in Nancy, increased his earnings by offering the delivery of his car to the train station.

In conclusion, making your vehicle available at train stations or airports is an effective way to increase your number of rentals and earnings as an owner. It expands your clientele, allows you to practice advantageous pricing, generates additional income, and offers a convenient solution for travelers.